After my lovely trip to Cancun with Miss Imperfectionist, and using a SLR camera for a week, I decided I am going to spend time learning photography, maybe take it up as a new hobby. The photos taken with my girlfriend's camera, I believe it's the Canon Rebel, are amazing. The way it captured everything that surrounded us, sure beat a point and shoot. I'm aware there is a whole industry out there for serious photographers, but never realized that using a SLR made such a big difference to my photos.
My girlfriend and I took these photos. She got a mini crash course before coming to Cancun, but it was my first time.
My girlfriend and I took these photos. She got a mini crash course before coming to Cancun, but it was my first time.

I have pictures from other Caribbean trips before, however, none of them were able to capture the crisp, blue water of the ocean, brilliant white clouds of the sky, or the photos turned out too dark/white (too much sun or not enough sun). It could be that I am not using the full functions of my point and shoot.
I figured, with all the travelling, I need to snap beautiful photos for memories. I was somewhat lost when deciding whether or not to buy my own SLR. After speaking with a few friends and using my cousin's Nikon d7000, I became determined to purchase one; perhaps a used camera considering the price and I'm just starting out. However, just as I was shopping around, I saw this ad from BestBuy. The promotion was to bring in any old camera and it will be credited towards the purchase of a new Nikon. The credit amount depends on the price of the camera. I traded my Olympus Waterproof camera (purchased 3 years ago and probably worth less than $100) for a $100 credit and bought the Nikon D90. Why the D90? I'm not sure exactly. I'm quite happy with this purchase though. The camera cost $900 tax included, came with the lens kit 15-55 and 3 years BestBuy warranty (not really sure what that does - LOL).
These are some photos I took trying to test out lighting and different environments. Who knew taking photos of fireworks could be so hard? I missed half of them by the time I was able to point at one.
I figured, with all the travelling, I need to snap beautiful photos for memories. I was somewhat lost when deciding whether or not to buy my own SLR. After speaking with a few friends and using my cousin's Nikon d7000, I became determined to purchase one; perhaps a used camera considering the price and I'm just starting out. However, just as I was shopping around, I saw this ad from BestBuy. The promotion was to bring in any old camera and it will be credited towards the purchase of a new Nikon. The credit amount depends on the price of the camera. I traded my Olympus Waterproof camera (purchased 3 years ago and probably worth less than $100) for a $100 credit and bought the Nikon D90. Why the D90? I'm not sure exactly. I'm quite happy with this purchase though. The camera cost $900 tax included, came with the lens kit 15-55 and 3 years BestBuy warranty (not really sure what that does - LOL).
These are some photos I took trying to test out lighting and different environments. Who knew taking photos of fireworks could be so hard? I missed half of them by the time I was able to point at one.
My dogs don't sit still long enoughfor me to take pictures. I'm glad the D90 was able to snap pictures fast enough. With my old point and shoot, most photos of them turned out blurry.
Now, I am completely in love with photography and my camera. I admit, I don't know how to use all the functions yet, but joining photography community sites and reading forums, I am slowly learning. I appreciate all the comments and tips I've been receiving via email/google talk...etc. I appreciate all the help. Thanks everyone and as always, I welcome any comments.
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