About Me

Hello strangers, It’s nice to meet you. I’m Karen, a 20-something marketing analyst. I would like to say I’m a world traveler, but truth is, I haven’t been to as many places as I would like; however, I vow to travel wherever and whenever I can. I’ve strolled through the red light district of Amsterdam, leaned against the Eiffel Tower, explored ruins in Mayan, woke up in Vegas, and ventured on numerous other quests. My journeys...

Hello strangers,
It’s nice to meet you. I’m Karen, a 20-something marketing analyst. I would like to say I’m a world traveler, but truth is, I haven’t been to as many places as I would like; however, I vow to travel wherever and whenever I can. I’ve strolled through the red light district of Amsterdam, leaned against the Eiffel Tower, explored ruins in Mayan, woke up in Vegas, and ventured on numerous other quests.

My journeys have not always been pleasant. I’ve fractured my wrist while in a pedicab (aka a rickshaw), caught a mysterious rash under the Cuban sun and lived the last 3 days of my vacation with only $25 left in my pocket. None of these experiences have turned me away from wanting to travel more. I view each destination as an experience, a discovery and an escape from my average life.

This blog will share with you my personal life, style, travel experiences, thoughts on fashion, and my photography. I hope you find my travel tales, tips and photos to be an inspiration for you to embark on your own adventures, whatever they may be.

Feel free to email me comments, criticism and travel stories.

Happy reading!


Meg says:
at: November 1, 2011 at 12:32 PM said...

Hey Karen! It's Meg from missmegsadventuresasmisssaigon.wordpress.com If you have any questions that I might be able to help you with regarding your upcoming trip to Asia, please let me know!! Happy travels!


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